Monday, February 17, 2014

Finally Sunshine!

Dear Family,


This week was pretty up and down. It ended on a good note though, so it was a pretty great week overall.

Sorella Samuels and I had five investigators in church this week! It was awesome.

We see our Peruvian family, Lizbeth and Michael and their two little kids, Sebastian and Francesca twice a week now, and they told us that they want us to come over whenever we can. This is great news to hear from investigators. They came to church again this week, and three different families have offered to have them over for a family home evening. This family has been sucked up into this ward so fast. It is a really cool thing to see. We are hoping to have a baptismal date for them this week, so please pray for them!

We picked oranges this week! One of our investigators is in a part member family, and they needed help with their oranges. I've realized orange trees are a lot cooler than the apple trees that I grew up with. I wish Utah had orange trees! Anyway, we did a good service, and then they gave us a lot of the oranges. Doesn't get much better than fresh oranges off the tree.

Yesterday, we had a family home evening with a family in our ward from the Philippines. It was all about unity, and then we ate food. You guys...they know how to do food right. AH! It was so good. the near future they want us to try a food called bulat (I think that is what it is called).'s a fertilized duck egg... So we will see what happens with that.

Anyway, I hope this week is great for everyone. Please pray for me and my investigators. Thank you.

Love you all!


Sorella Worsham

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